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+++ b/src/app.js @@ -0,0 +1,186 @@ +import React, {Component, Fragment} from 'react'; +import isNil from 'lodash/isNil'; + +import storage from './utils/storage'; +import {makeLogin, isTokenExpire} from './utils/login'; + +import Loading from './components/Loading'; +import LoginModal from './components/Login'; +import Header from './components/Header'; +import {Container, Content} from './components/Layout'; +import RouterApp from './router'; +import API from './utils/api'; +import './styles/typeface-roboto.scss'; +import './styles/main.scss'; +import 'normalize.css'; +import Footer from './components/Footer'; + +export const AppContext = React.createContext(); + +export const AppContextProvider = AppContext.Provider; +export const AppContextConsumer = AppContext.Consumer; + +export default class App extends Component { + state = { + error: {}, + logoUrl: window.VERDACCIO_LOGO, + user: {}, + scope: window.VERDACCIO_SCOPE ? `${window.VERDACCIO_SCOPE}:` : '', + showLoginModal: false, + isUserLoggedIn: false, + packages: [], + isLoading: true, + }; + + componentDidMount() { + this.isUserAlreadyLoggedIn(); + this.loadOnHandler(); + } + + // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars + componentDidUpdate(_, prevState) { + const {isUserLoggedIn} = this.state; + if (prevState.isUserLoggedIn !== isUserLoggedIn) { + this.loadOnHandler(); + } + } + + isUserAlreadyLoggedIn = () => { + // checks for token validity + const token = storage.getItem('token'); + const username = storage.getItem('username'); + if (isTokenExpire(token) || isNil(username)) { + this.handleLogout(); + } else { + this.setState({ + user: {username, token}, + isUserLoggedIn: true, + }); + } + }; + + loadOnHandler = async () => { + try { + this.req = await API.request('packages', 'GET'); + this.setState({ + packages: this.req, + isLoading: false, + }); + } catch (error) { + // FIXME: add dialog + console.error({ + title: 'Warning', + message: `Unable to load package list: ${error.message}`, + }); + this.setLoading(false); + } + }; + + setLoading = (isLoading) => + this.setState({ + isLoading, + }); + + /** + * Toggles the login modal + * Required by:
+ */ + handleToggleLoginModal = () => { + this.setState((prevState) => ({ + showLoginModal: !prevState.showLoginModal, + error: {}, + })); + }; + + /** + * handles login + * Required by:
+ */ + handleDoLogin = async (usernameValue, passwordValue) => { + const {username, token, error} = await makeLogin(usernameValue, passwordValue); + + if (username && token) { + this.setLoggedUser(username, token); + storage.setItem('username', username); + storage.setItem('token', token); + } + + if (error) { + this.setState({ + user: {}, + error, + }); + } + }; + + setLoggedUser = (username, token) => { + this.setState({ + user: { + username, + token, + }, + isUserLoggedIn: true, // close login modal after successful login + showLoginModal: false, // set isUserLoggedIn to true + }); + }; + /** + * Logouts user + * Required by:
+ */ + handleLogout = () => { + storage.removeItem('username'); + storage.removeItem('token'); + this.setState({ + user: {}, + isUserLoggedIn: false, + }); + }; + + render() { + const {isLoading, isUserLoggedIn, packages, logoUrl, user, scope} = this.state; + return ( + + {isLoading ? ( + + ) : ( + + {this.renderContent()} + + )} + {this.renderLoginModal()} + + ); + } + + renderLoginModal = () => { + const {error, showLoginModal} = this.state; + return ( + + ); + }; + + renderContent = () => { + return ( + + + + {this.renderHeader()} + + +