import React from 'react'; import { render, waitForElement, fireEvent } from '../utils/test-react-testing-library'; import storage from '../utils/storage'; // eslint-disable-next-line jest/no-mocks-import import { generateTokenWithTimeRange } from '../../jest/unit/components/__mocks__/token'; import App from './App'; jest.mock('../utils/storage', () => { class LocalStorageMock { private store: Record; public constructor() { = {}; } public clear(): void { = {}; } public getItem(key: string): unknown { return[key] || null; } public setItem(key: string, value: string): void {[key] = value.toString(); } public removeItem(key: string): void { delete[key]; } } return new LocalStorageMock(); }); jest.mock('../utils/api', () => ({ // eslint-disable-next-line jest/no-mocks-import request: require('../../jest/unit/components/__mocks__/api').default.request, })); /* eslint-disable react/jsx-no-bind*/ describe('', () => { test('should display the Loading component at the beginning ', () => { const { container, queryByTestId } = render(); expect(container.firstChild).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(queryByTestId('loading')).toBeTruthy(); }); test('should display the Header component ', async () => { const { container, queryByTestId } = render(); expect(container.firstChild).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(queryByTestId('loading')).toBeTruthy(); // wait for the Header component appearance and return the element const headerElement = await waitForElement(() => queryByTestId('header')); expect(headerElement).toBeTruthy(); }); test('handleLogout - logouts the user and clear localstorage', async () => { storage.setItem('username', 'verdaccio'); storage.setItem('token', generateTokenWithTimeRange(24)); const { queryByTestId } = render(); // wait for the Account's circle element component appearance and return the element const accountCircleElement = await waitForElement(() => queryByTestId('header--menu-accountcircle')); expect(accountCircleElement).toBeTruthy(); if (accountCircleElement) {; // wait for the Button's logout element component appearance and return the element const buttonLogoutElement = await waitForElement(() => queryByTestId('header--button-logout')); expect(buttonLogoutElement).toBeTruthy(); if (buttonLogoutElement) {; expect(queryByTestId('greetings-label')).toBeFalsy(); } } }); test('isUserAlreadyLoggedIn: token already available in storage', async () => { storage.setItem('username', 'verdaccio'); storage.setItem('token', generateTokenWithTimeRange(24)); const { queryByTestId, queryAllByText } = render(); // wait for the Account's circle element component appearance and return the element const accountCircleElement = await waitForElement(() => queryByTestId('header--menu-accountcircle')); expect(accountCircleElement).toBeTruthy(); if (accountCircleElement) {; // wait for the Greeting's label element component appearance and return the element const greetingsLabelElement = await waitForElement(() => queryByTestId('greetings-label')); expect(greetingsLabelElement).toBeTruthy(); if (greetingsLabelElement) { expect(queryAllByText('verdaccio')).toBeTruthy(); } } }); });