import React from 'react'; import { render, waitForElement, fireEvent, waitForElementToBeRemoved } from '../../utils/test-react-testing-library'; import AppContext, { AppContextProps } from '../../App/AppContext'; import api from '../../utils/api'; import LoginDialog from './LoginDialog'; const appContextValue: AppContextProps = { scope: '', setUser: jest.fn(), }; describe(' component', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.resetModules(); jest.resetAllMocks(); }); test('should render the component in default state', () => { const props = { onClose: jest.fn(), }; const { container } = render( ); expect(container.firstChild).toMatchSnapshot(); }); test('should load the component with the open prop', async () => { const props = { open: true, onClose: jest.fn(), }; const { getByText } = render( ); const loginDialogHeading = await waitForElement(() => getByText('Sign in')); expect(loginDialogHeading).toBeTruthy(); }); test('onClose: should close the login modal', async () => { const props = { open: true, onClose: jest.fn(), }; const { getByTestId } = render( ); const loginDialogButton = await waitForElement(() => getByTestId('close-login-dialog-button')); expect(loginDialogButton).toBeTruthy();, { open: false }); expect(props.onClose).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); // TODO test.skip('setCredentials - should set username and password in state', async () => { const props = { open: true, onClose: jest.fn(), }; jest.spyOn(api, 'request').mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve({ username: 'xyz', token: 'djsadaskljd', }) ); const { getByPlaceholderText, getByText } = render( ); // TODO: the input's value is not being updated in the DOM const userNameInput = getByPlaceholderText('Your username'); fireEvent.focus(userNameInput); fireEvent.change(userNameInput, { target: { value: 'xyz' } }); // TODO: the input's value is not being updated in the DOM const passwordInput = getByPlaceholderText('Your strong password'); fireEvent.focus(passwordInput); fireEvent.change(passwordInput, { target: { value: '1234' } }); // TODO: submitting form does not work const signInButton = getByText('Sign in');; }); test.todo('validateCredentials: should validate credentials'); test.todo('submitCredentials: should submit credentials'); });