import React from 'react'; import { mount, shallow } from 'enzyme'; describe(' component', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.resetModules(); }); test('should render the component in default state', () => { const packageMeta = { latest: { homepage: 'https://verdaccio.tld', bugs: { url: 'https://verdaccio.tld/bugs', }, dist: { tarball: 'https://verdaccio.tld/download', }, }, }; jest.doMock('../../pages/Version', () => ({ DetailContextConsumer: component => { return component.children({ packageMeta }); }, })); const ActionBar = require('./ActionBar').default; const wrapper = shallow(); expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); test('when there is no action bar data', () => { const packageMeta = { latest: {}, }; jest.doMock('../../pages/Version', () => ({ DetailContextConsumer: component => { return component.children({ packageMeta }); }, })); const ActionBar = require('./ActionBar').default; const wrapper = shallow(); // FIXME: this only renders the DetailContextConsumer, thus // the wrapper will be always empty expect(wrapper.html()).toEqual(''); }); test('when there is a button to download a tarball', () => { const packageMeta = { latest: { dist: { tarball: 'http://localhost:8080/bootstrap/-/bootstrap-4.3.1.tgz', }, }, }; jest.doMock('../../pages/Version', () => ({ DetailContextConsumer: component => { return component.children({ packageMeta }); }, })); const ActionBar = require('./ActionBar').default; const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot(); const button = wrapper.find('button'); expect(button).toHaveLength(1); }); });