import React from 'react'; import { render } from '../../utils/test-react-testing-library'; import { DetailContext, DetailContextProps } from '../../pages/Version'; import Repository from './Repository'; import data from './__partials__/data.json'; const detailContextValue: DetailContextProps = { packageName: 'foo', readMe: 'readMe', enableLoading: () => {}, isLoading: false, hasNotBeenFound: false, packageMeta: data, }; const ComponentToBeRendered: React.FC<{ contextValue: DetailContextProps }> = ({ contextValue }) => ( ); describe(' component', () => { test('should load the component in default state', () => { const { container } = render(); expect(container.firstChild).toMatchSnapshot(); }); test('should render the component in with no repository data', () => { const packageMeta = { ...detailContextValue.packageMeta, latest: { ...detailContextValue.packageMeta?.latest, repository: undefined, }, }; const { queryByText } = render( ); expect(queryByText('Repository')).toBeFalsy(); }); test('should render the component in with invalid url', () => { const packageMeta = { ...detailContextValue.packageMeta, latest: { ...detailContextValue.packageMeta?.latest, repository: { type: 'git', url: 'git://', }, }, }; const { queryByText } = render( ); expect(queryByText('Repository')).toBeFalsy(); }); });