import React from 'react'; import { mount, shallow } from '../../utils/test-enzyme'; import { DetailContext } from '../../pages/Version'; import UpLinks from './UpLinks'; describe(' component', () => { test('should return null without packageMeta', () => { const wrapper = shallow(); expect(wrapper.html()).toBeNull(); }); test('should render the component when there is no uplink', () => { const packageMeta = { latest: { name: 'verdaccio', version: '4.0.0', dist: { fileCount: 0, unpackedSize: 0 }, }, _uplinks: {}, }; const wrapper = mount( ); expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); test('should render the component with uplinks', () => { const packageMeta = { latest: { name: 'verdaccio', version: '4.0.0', author: { name: 'verdaccio user', url: '', avatar: '', }, dist: { fileCount: 0, unpackedSize: 0 }, }, _uplinks: { npmjs: { etag: '"W/"252f0a131cedd3ea82dfefd6fa049558""', fetched: 1529779934081, }, }, }; const wrapper = mount( ); expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); });