version: 2 aliases: - &defaults working_directory: ~/ui-theme - &node11_executor docker: - image: circleci/node:11.10.1 - &node8_executor docker: - image: circleci/node:8 - &node10_executor docker: - image: circleci/node:10 - &default_executor <<: *node10_executor - &repo_key repo-{{ .Branch }}-{{ .Revision }} - &coverage_key coverage-{{ .Branch }}-{{ .Revision }} - &base_config_key base-config-{{ .Branch }}-{{ .Revision }} - &yarn_cache_key yarn-sha-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }} - &restore_repo restore_cache: keys: - *repo_key - &ignore_non_dev_branches filters: tags: only: /.*/ branches: ignore: - /release\/.*/ - &execute_on_release filters: tags: only: /(v)?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*/ branches: ignore: - /.*/ jobs: prepare: <<: *defaults <<: *default_executor steps: - *restore_repo - checkout - restore_cache: key: *base_config_key - run: name: 'Base environment setup' command: echo "//${NPM_TOKEN}" > ~/.npmrc - save_cache: key: *base_config_key paths: - ~/.npmrc - ~/.gitconfig - restore_cache: key: *yarn_cache_key - run: name: Install Js dependencies command: yarn install --no-progress --registry --no-lockfile - run: name: Build project command: yarn run build - save_cache: key: *yarn_cache_key paths: - ~/.yarn - ~/.cache/yarn - node_modules - save_cache: key: *repo_key paths: - ~/local-storage test_node11: <<: *defaults <<: *node11_executor steps: - *restore_repo - run: name: Test with Node 11 command: yarn run test test_node8: <<: *defaults <<: *node8_executor steps: - *restore_repo - run: name: Test with Node 8 command: yarn test test_node10: <<: *defaults <<: *node10_executor steps: - *restore_repo - run: name: Test with Node 10 command: yarn run test - save_cache: key: *coverage_key paths: - coverage coverage: <<: *defaults <<: *default_executor steps: - *restore_repo - restore_cache: key: *coverage_key - run: name: Publish coverage command: yarn run coverage:publish - store_artifacts: path: coverage/clover.xml prefix: tests - store_artifacts: path: coverage prefix: coverage - store_test_results: path: coverage/clover.xml publish_package: <<: *defaults <<: *default_executor steps: - *restore_repo - restore_cache: key: *base_config_key - run: name: Publish command: yarn publish workflows: version: 2 workflow: jobs: - prepare: <<: *ignore_non_dev_branches - test_node11: requires: - prepare <<: *ignore_non_dev_branches - test_node8: requires: - prepare <<: *ignore_non_dev_branches - test_node10: requires: - prepare <<: *ignore_non_dev_branches - coverage: requires: - test_node11 - test_node8 - test_node10 <<: *ignore_non_dev_branches - publish_package: requires: - coverage <<: *execute_on_release