mirror of https://github.com/SomboChea/ui synced 2025-03-11 09:55:13 +07:00
Priscila Oliveira 6b5d0b7e2e feat: migrating flow to typescript (#47)
This PR convert the code base to Typescript, the changes are the following:

- migrate code base to Typescript (3.4.x)
- enable `eslint` and `@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin` (warnings still need to be addressed in future pull request
- update relevant dependencies for this PR (linting, etc)
- enable `bundlezise` (it was disabled for some reason)

* refactor: refactoring to typescript

* refactor: migrating to typescript

* refactor: applied feedbacks

* fix: fixed conflicts

* refactored: changed registry

* refactor: updated registry & removed unnecessary lib

* fix: fixed registry ur

* fix: fixed page load

* refactor: refactored footer wip

* refactor: converting to ts..wip

* refactor: converting to ts. wip

* refactor: converting to ts. wip

* refactor: converting to ts

* refactor: converting to ts

* fix: fixed load errors

* refactor: converted files to ts

* refactor: removed flow from tests

* fix: removed transpiled files

* refactor: added ts-ignore

* fix: fixed errors

* fix: fixed types

* fix: fixing jest import -.-

* fix: fixing lint errors

* fix: fixing lint errors

* fix: fixed lint errors

* refactor: removed unnecessary tsconfig's config

* fix: fixing errors

* fix: fixed warning

* fix: fixed test

* refactor: wip

* refactor: wip

* refactor: wip

* fix: fixing tests: wip

* wip

* wip

* fix: fixed search test

* wip

* fix: fixing lint errors

* fix: re-added stylelint

* refactor: updated stylelint script

* fix: fixed: 'styles.js'  were found.

* fix: fixed Search tests

* chore: enable eslint

eslint needs expecitely to know which file has to lint, by default is JS, in this case we need also ts,tsx files eslint . --ext .js,.ts

* chore: vcode eslint settings

* chore: restore eslint previous conf

* chore: clean jest config

* chore: fix eslint warnings

* chore: eslint errors cleared

chore: clean warnings

chore: remove github actions test phases

chore: remove dupe rule

* chore: update handler name

* chore: restore logo from img to url css prop

- loading images with css is more performant than using img html tags, switching this might be a breaking change
- restore no-empty-source seems the linting do not accept false
- update snapshots
- remove @material-ui/styles

* chore: update stylelint linting

* chore: update stylelint linting

* chore: fix a mistake on move tabs to a function

* chore: eanble bundlezie

* chore: use default_executor in circleci

* chore: update readme
2019-06-20 14:37:28 +02:00

125 lines
3.6 KiB

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