now with TCP support (on test!)
mayor fixes but trying to keep functionality
This commit is contained in:
Arturo Hernandez 2018-04-25 20:42:04 -04:00
parent 7304c41a37
commit 86826f9f7c
5 changed files with 397 additions and 192 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -3,3 +3,4 @@

129 Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -1,11 +1,19 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import traceback
import argparse
from zk import ZK, const
import time
import datetime
from zk import ZK, const
from zk.attendance import Attendance
from zk.exception import ZKErrorResponse, ZKNetworkError
from zk.user import User
from zk.finger import Finger
conn = None
@ -15,19 +23,27 @@ parser.add_argument('-a', '--address',
parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', type=int,
help='device port', default=4370)
parser.add_argument('-T', '--timeout', type=int,
help='timeout', default=60)
help='timeout', default=10)
parser.add_argument('-P', '--password', type=int,
help='Device code/password', default=0)
#parser.add_argument('-f', '--firmware', type=int,
# help='test firmware', default=8)
parser.add_argument('-f', '--force-udp', action="store_true",
help='Force UDP communication')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--templates', action="store_true",
help='get templates')
parser.add_argument('-r', '--records', action="store_true",
help='get records')
parser.add_argument('-u', '--updatetime', action="store_true",
help='Update Date / Time')
parser.add_argument('-D', '--deleteuser', type=int,
help='Delete a User', default=0)
parser.add_argument('-A', '--adduser', type=int,
help='Add a User', default=0)
parser.add_argument('-F', '--finger', type=int,
help='Finger for register', default=0)
args = parser.parse_args()
zk = ZK(args.address, port=args.port, timeout=args.timeout, password=args.password) # , firmware=args.firmware
zk = ZK(args.address, port=args.port, timeout=args.timeout, password=args.password, force_udp=args.force_udp) # , firmware=args.firmware
print 'Connecting to device ...'
conn = zk.connect()
@ -35,14 +51,15 @@ try:
fmt = conn.get_extend_fmt()
print 'ExtendFmt : {}'.format(fmt)
if fmt == 1:
print "Firmware 6"
conn.firmware = 6
print "Firmware 8"
conn.firmware = 8
print 'Time : {}'.format(conn.get_time())
now =
if args.updatetime:
print '--- Updating Time---'
zk_time = conn.get_time()
dif = abs(zk_time - now).total_seconds()
print 'Time : {}'.format(zk_time)
if dif > 120:
print("WRN: TIME IS NOT SYNC!!!!!! (local: %s)" % now)
print 'Firmware Version : {}'.format(conn.get_firmware_version())
print 'Platform : %s' % conn.get_platform()
print 'DeviceName : %s' % conn.get_device_name()
@ -50,20 +67,73 @@ try:
print 'Serial Number : %s' % conn.get_serialnumber()
print 'MAC: %s' % conn.get_mac()
print ''
print conn
print ''
print '--- Get User ---'
users = conn.get_users()
max_uid = 0
prev = None
if not args.deleteuser:
for user in users:
privilege = 'User'
if user.privilege == const.USER_ADMIN:
privilege = 'Admin'
if user.uid > max_uid:
max_uid = user.uid
privilege = 'User' if user.privilege == const.USER_DEFAULT else 'Admin-%s' % user.privilege
print '-> UID #{:<5} Name : {:<27} Privilege : {}'.format(user.uid,, privilege)
print ' Group ID : {:<8} User ID : {:<8} Password : {:<8} Card : {}'.format(user.group_id, user.user_id, user.password, user.card)
#print len (user.repack73()), user.repack73().encode('hex')
#print ''
if args.adduser and user.uid == args.adduser:
prev = user
if args.deleteuser:
print ''
print '-- Delete User UID#%s ---' % args.deleteuser
#TODO implementar luego
users = conn.get_users() #update
for user in users:
if user.uid > max_uid:
max_uid = user.uid
privilege = 'User' if user.privilege == const.USER_DEFAULT else 'Admin-%s' % user.privilege
print '-> UID #{:<5} Name : {:<27} Privilege : {}'.format(user.uid,, privilege)
print ' Group ID : {:<8} User ID : {:<8} Password : {:<8} Card : {}'.format(user.group_id, user.user_id, user.password, user.card)
#print len (user.repack73()), user.repack73().encode('hex')
#print ''
if args.adduser and user.uid == args.adduser:
prev = user
if args.adduser:
uid = int(args.adduser)
if prev:
user = prev
privilege = 'User' if user.privilege == const.USER_DEFAULT else 'Admin-%s' % user.privilege
print ''
print '--- Modify User %i ---' % user.uid
print '-> UID #{:<5} Name : {:<27} Privilege : {}'.format(user.uid,, privilege)
print ' Group ID : {:<8} User ID : {:<8} Password : {:<8} Card : {}'.format(user.group_id, user.user_id, user.password, user.card)
#discard prev
print '--- Add new User %i ---' % uid
name = raw_input('Name :')
admin = raw_input('Admin (y/n):')
privilege = 14 if admin == 'y' else 0
password = raw_input('Password :')
user_id = raw_input('User ID2 :')
card = int(raw_input('Card :'))
if prev:
conn.delete_user(uid) #borrado previo
conn.set_user(uid, name, privilege, password, '', user_id, card)
except ZKErrorResponse, e:
print "error: ", e
#try new format
zk_user = User(uid, name, privilege, password, '', user_id, card)
conn.delete_user_template(uid, args.finger)
conn.reg_event(0xFFFF) #
if conn.enroll_user(uid, args.finger):
conn.test_voice(18) # register ok
conn.test_voice(23) # not registered
print "Voice Test ..."
if args.templates:
@ -74,13 +144,24 @@ try:
if args.records:
print "Read Records..."
attendance = conn.get_attendance()
i = 0
for att in attendance:
print "ATT: uid:{:>3}, t: {}".format(att.uid, att.timestamp)
print 'Enabling device ...'
i +=1
print "ATT {:>6}: uid:{:>3}, t: {}".format(i, att.uid, att.timestamp)
print ''
print '--- sizes & capacity ---'
print conn
print ''
except Exception, e:
print "Process terminate : {}".format(e)
print "Error: %s" % sys.exc_info()[0]
print '-'*60
print '-'*60
if conn:
print 'Enabling device ...'
print ''

1 Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import argparse

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
from datetime import datetime
from socket import AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, socket
from socket import AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, SOCK_STREAM, socket
from struct import pack, unpack
from zk import const
@ -44,17 +44,55 @@ def make_commkey(key, session_id, ticks=50):
k[3] ^ B)
return k
class ZK_helper(object):
""" helper class """
def __init__(self, ip, port=4370):
self.address = (ip, port)
self.ip = ip
self.port = port
#self.timeout = timeout
#self.password = password # passint
#self.firmware = int(firmware) #TODO check minor version?
#self.tcp = tcp
def test_ping(self):
Returns True if host responds to a ping request
import subprocess, platform
# Ping parameters as function of OS
ping_str = "-n 1" if platform.system().lower()=="windows" else "-c 1"
args = "ping " + " " + ping_str + " " + self.ip
need_sh = False if platform.system().lower()=="windows" else True
# Ping
shell=need_sh) == 0
def test_tcp(self):
self.client = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
self.client.settimeout(10) # fixed test
res = self.client.connect_ex(self.address)
return res
def test_udp(self):
self.client = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM)
self.client.settimeout(10) # fixed test
class ZK(object):
""" Clase ZK """
def __init__(self, ip, port=4370, timeout=60, password=0, firmware=8):
def __init__(self, ip, port=4370, timeout=60, password=0, force_udp=False, ommit_ping=False):
""" initialize instance """
self.is_connect = False
self.helper = ZK_helper(ip, port)
self.__address = (ip, port)
self.__sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM)
self.__timeout = timeout
self.__password = password # passint
self.firmware = int(firmware) #TODO check minor version?
#self.firmware = int(firmware) #dummy
self.force_udp = force_udp
self.ommit_ping = ommit_ping
self.tcp = False
self.users = 0
self.fingers = 0
self.records = 0
@ -68,9 +106,24 @@ class ZK(object):
self.fingers_av = 0
self.users_av = 0
self.rec_av = 0
self.user_packet_size = 28 # default zk6
self.__session_id = 0
self.__reply_id = const.USHRT_MAX-1
self.__data_recv = None
def __create_socket(self):
""" based on self.tcp"""
if self.tcp:
self.__sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
self.__sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM)
def __create_tcp_top(self, packet):
""" witch the complete packet set top header """
length = len(packet)
top = pack('<HHI', const.MACHINE_PREPARE_DATA_1, const.MACHINE_PREPARE_DATA_2, length)
return top + packet
def __create_header(self, command, command_string, session_id, reply_id):
Puts a the parts that make up a packet together and packs them into a byte string
@ -121,13 +174,23 @@ class ZK(object):
buf = self.__create_header(command, command_string, self.__session_id, self.__reply_id)
if self.tcp:
top = self.__create_tcp_top(buf)
self.__tcp_data_recv = self.__sock.recv(response_size + 8)
self.__tcp_header = unpack('HHI', self.__tcp_data_recv[:8])
self.__tcp_length = self.__tcp_header[2]
self.__header = unpack('HHHH', self.__tcp_data_recv[8:16])
self.__data_recv = self.__tcp_data_recv[8:] # dirty hack
self.__sock.sendto(buf, self.__address)
self.__data_recv = self.__sock.recv(response_size)
self.__header = unpack('HHHH', self.__data_recv[:8])
except Exception, e:
raise ZKNetworkError(str(e))
self.__response = unpack('HHHH', self.__data_recv[:8])[0]
self.__reply_id = unpack('HHHH', self.__data_recv[:8])[3]
self.__response = self.__header[0]
self.__reply_id = self.__header[3]
if self.__response in [const.CMD_ACK_OK, const.CMD_PREPARE_DATA, const.CMD_DATA]:
return {
@ -139,9 +202,13 @@ class ZK(object):
'code': self.__response
def __ack_ok(self):
""" ack ok """
""" event ack ok """
buf = self.__create_header(const.CMD_ACK_OK, "", self.__session_id, const.USHRT_MAX - 1)
if self.tcp:
top = self.__create_tcp_top(buf)
self.__sock.sendto(buf, self.__address)
except Exception, e:
raise ZKNetworkError(str(e))
@ -208,10 +275,16 @@ class ZK(object):
connect to the device
if not self.ommit_ping and not self.helper.test_ping():
raise ZKNetworkError("can't reach device (ping %s)" % self.__address[0])
if not self.force_udp and self.helper.test_tcp() == 0: #ok
self.tcp = True
self.user_packet_size = 72 # default zk8
self.__create_socket()# tcp based
self.__session_id = 0
self.__reply_id = const.USHRT_MAX - 1
cmd_response = self.__send_command(const.CMD_CONNECT)
self.__session_id = unpack('HHHH', self.__data_recv[:8])[2]
self.__session_id = self.__header[2]
if cmd_response.get('code') == const.CMD_ACK_UNAUTH:
#print "try auth"
command_string = make_commkey(self.__password, self.__session_id)
@ -221,7 +294,9 @@ class ZK(object):
# set the session iduid, privilege, password, name, card, group_id, timezone, user_id = unpack('HB5s8s5sBhI',userdata.ljust(28)[:28])
return self
print "connect err {} ".format(cmd_response["code"])
if cmd_response["code"] == const.CMD_ACK_UNAUTH:
raise ZKErrorResponse("Unauthenticated")
print "connect err response {} ".format(cmd_response["code"])
raise ZKErrorResponse("Invalid response: Can't connect")
def disconnect(self):
@ -231,6 +306,8 @@ class ZK(object):
cmd_response = self.__send_command(const.CMD_EXIT)
if cmd_response.get('status'):
self.is_connect = False
if self.__sock:
self.__sock.close() #leave to GC
return True
raise ZKErrorResponse("can't disconnect")
@ -253,7 +330,7 @@ class ZK(object):
if cmd_response.get('status'):
return True
raise ZKErrorResponse("Can't enable")
raise ZKErrorResponse("Can't enable device")
def get_firmware_version(self):
@ -391,18 +468,18 @@ class ZK(object):
if len(fields) > 20:
self.faces = fields[20]
self.faces_cap = fields[22]
#TODO: get faces size...
return True
raise ZKErrorResponse("can't read sizes")
def __str__(self):
""" for debug"""
return "ZK%i adr:%s:%s users:%i/%i fingers:%i/%i, records:%i/%i faces:%i/%i" % (
self.firmware, self.__address[0], self.__address[1],
self.users, self.users_cap, self.fingers, self.fingers_cap,
self.records, self.rec_cap, self.faces, self.faces_cap
return "ZK %s://%s:%s users[%i]:%i/%i fingers:%i/%i, records:%i/%i faces:%i/%i" % (
"tcp" if self.tcp else "udp", self.__address[0], self.__address[1],
self.user_packet_size, self.users, self.users_cap,
self.fingers, self.fingers_cap,
self.records, self.rec_cap,
self.faces, self.faces_cap
def restart(self):
@ -549,18 +626,12 @@ class ZK(object):
#uid = chr(uid % 256) + chr(uid >> 8)
if privilege not in [const.USER_DEFAULT, const.USER_ADMIN]:
privilege = const.USER_DEFAULT
privilege = chr(privilege)
if self.firmware == 6:
print "uid : %i" % uid
print "pri : %c" % privilege
print "pass: %s" % str(password)
print "name: %s" % str(name)
print type(name)
print "group %i" % int(group_id)
print "uid2: %i" % int(user_id)
privilege = int(privilege)
if self.user_packet_size == 28: #self.firmware == 6:
if not group_id:
group_id = 0
command_string = pack('Hc5s8s5sBHI', uid, privilege, str(password), str(name), chr(0), int(group_id), 0, int(user_id))
print "cmd : %s" % command_string
command_string = pack('HB5s8s5sBHI', uid, privilege, str(password), str(name), chr(0), int(group_id), 0, int(user_id))
except Exception, e:
print "s_h Error pack: %s" % e
print "Error pack: %s" % sys.exc_info()[0]
@ -568,13 +639,12 @@ class ZK(object):
name_pad = name.ljust(24, '\x00')[:24]
card_str = pack('i', int(card))[:4]
command_string = pack('Hc8s24s4sc7sx24s', uid, privilege, password, name_pad, card_str, chr(0), group_id, user_id)
response_size = 1024
command_string = pack('HB8s24s4sc7sx24s', uid, privilege, password, name_pad, card_str, chr(0), group_id, str(user_id))
response_size = 1024 #TODO check response?
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string, response_size)
if cmd_response.get('status'):
return True
if not cmd_response.get('status'):
raise ZKErrorResponse("Cant set user")
def save_user_template(self, user, fingers=[]):
""" save user and template """
@ -591,9 +661,9 @@ class ZK(object):
table += pack("<bHbI", 2, user.uid, fnum + finger.fid, tstart)
tstart += len(tfp)
fpack += tfp
if self.firmware == 6:
if self.user_packet_size == 28: #self.firmware == 6:
upack = user.repack29()
else: # 72
upack = user.repack73()
head = pack("III", len(upack), len(table), len(fpack))
packet = head + upack + table + fpack
@ -645,21 +715,31 @@ class ZK(object):
return False # probably empty!
def delete_user(self, uid):
def delete_user(self, uid=0, user_id=''):
delete specific user by uid
"""if self.tcp: should work but not tested
if not user_id:
#we need user_id (uid2)
users = self.get_users()
users = filter(lambda x: x.uid==uid, users)
if len(users) == 1:
user_id = users[0].user_id
else: #double? posibly empty
return False #can't enrool
command = 133 #const.CMD_DELETE_USER_2
command_string = pack('24s',str(user_id))
command = const.CMD_DELETE_USER
#uid = chr(uid % 256) + chr(uid >> 8)
#command_string = pack('2s', uid)
command_string = pack('h', uid)
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string)
if cmd_response.get('status'):
return True
if not cmd_response.get('status'):
raise ZKErrorResponse("can't delete user")
def get_user_template(self, uid, temp_id):
""" ZKFinger VX10.0 """
command = 88 # comando secreto!!!
command_string = pack('hb', uid, temp_id)
response_size = 1024
@ -698,7 +778,7 @@ class ZK(object):
return []
total_size = unpack('i', templatedata[0:4])[0]
templatedata = templatedata[4:] #total size not used
if self.firmware == 6: #tested!
# ZKFinger VX10.0 the only finger firmware tested
while total_size:
size, uid, fid, valid = unpack('HHbb',templatedata[:6])
template = unpack("%is" % (size-6), templatedata[6:size])[0]
@ -707,27 +787,25 @@ class ZK(object):
templatedata = templatedata[size:]
total_size -= size
else: # tested with ZEM800_TFT - iFace402/ID
while total_size:
size, uid, fid, valid = unpack('HHbb',templatedata[:6])
template = unpack("%is" % (size-6), templatedata[6:size])[0]
finger = Finger(size - 6, uid, fid, valid, template)
#print finger # test
templatedata = templatedata[(size):]
total_size -= size
return templates
def get_users(self):
def get_users(self): #ALWAYS CALL TO GET correct user_packet_size
""" return all user """
self.read_sizes() # last update
if self.users == 0: #lazy
return []
users = []
userdata, size = self.read_with_buffer(const.CMD_USERTEMP_RRQ, const.FCT_USER)
#print "user size %i" % size
if size < 4:
if size <= 4:
print "WRN: no user data" # debug
return []
userdata = userdata[4:] #total size not used
if self.firmware == 6:
total_size = unpack("I",userdata[:4])[0]
self.user_packet_size = total_size / self.users
if not self.user_packet_size in [28, 72]:
print "WRN packet size would be ", self.user_packet_size
userdata = userdata[4:]
if self.user_packet_size == 28:
while len(userdata) >= 28:
uid, privilege, password, name, card, group_id, timezone, user_id = unpack('HB5s8s5sBhI',userdata.ljust(28)[:28])
password = unicode(password.split('\x00')[0], errors='ignore')
@ -796,58 +874,95 @@ class ZK(object):
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string)
if not cmd_response.get('status'):
raise ZKErrorResponse("can't set sdk build ")
def enroll_user(self, uid, temp_id=0):
def enroll_user(self, uid=0, temp_id=0, user_id=''):
start enroll user
command = const.CMD_STARTENROLL
command_string = pack('hhb', uid, 0, temp_id) # el 0 es misterio
done = False
if self.tcp:
if not user_id:
#we need user_id (uid2)
users = self.get_users()
users = filter(lambda x: x.uid==uid, users)
if len(users) == 1:
user_id = users[0].user_id
else: #double? posibly empty
return False #can't enrool
command_string = pack('<24sbb',str(user_id), temp_id, 1) # el 1 es misterio
command_string = pack('hhb', int(uid), 0, temp_id) # el 0 es misterio
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string)
if not cmd_response.get('status'):
raise ZKErrorResponse("Cant Enroll user #%i [%i]" %(uid, temp_id))
print "enroll", cmd_response
#retorna rapido toca esperar un reg event
self.__sock.settimeout(60)# default 1min for finger
attempts = 3
while attempts:
print "A:%i esperando primer regevent" % attempts
data_recv = self.__sock.recv(1032) # timeout? tarda bastante...
print (data_recv).encode('hex')
if self.tcp:
if len(data_recv) > 16: #not empty
res = unpack("H", data_recv.ljust(24,"\x00")[16:18])[0]
print "res", res
if res == 0 or res == 6 or res == 4:
# 6 timeout, 4 mismatch error, 0 can't start(why?)
print ("posible timeout o reg Fallido")
if len(data_recv) > 8: #not empty
res = unpack("H", data_recv.ljust(16,"\x00")[8:10])[0]
print "res", res
if res == 6:
print ("posible timeout")
return False
if res == 6 or res == 4:
print ("posible timeout o reg Fallido")
print "A:%i esperando 2do regevent" % attempts
data_recv = self.__sock.recv(1032) # timeout? tarda bastante...
print (data_recv).encode('hex')
if self.tcp:
if len(data_recv) > 8: #not empty
res = unpack("H", data_recv.ljust(16,"\x00")[8:10])[0]
res = unpack("H", data_recv.ljust(24,"\x00")[16:18])[0]
print "res", res
if res == 6:
print ("posible timeout")
return False
if res == 6 or res == 4:
print ("posible timeout o reg Fallido")
elif res == 0x64:
print ("ok, continue?")
attempts -= 1
if len(data_recv) > 8: #not empty
res = unpack("H", data_recv.ljust(16,"\x00")[8:10])[0]
print "res", res
if res == 6 or res == 4:
print ("posible timeout o reg Fallido")
elif res == 0x64:
print ("ok, continue?")
attempts -= 1
if attempts == 0:
print "esperando 3er regevent"
data_recv = self.__sock.recv(1032) # timeout? tarda bastante...
print (data_recv).encode('hex')
if self.tcp:
res = unpack("H", data_recv.ljust(24,"\x00")[16:18])[0]
res = unpack("H", data_recv.ljust(16,"\x00")[8:10])[0]
if res == 4:
print "registro Fallido"
return False
if res == 6 or res == 4:
print ("posible timeout o reg Fallido")
if res == 0:
size = unpack("H", data_recv.ljust(16,"\x00")[10:12])[0]
pos = unpack("H", data_recv.ljust(16,"\x00")[12:14])[0]
print "enroll ok", size, pos
return True
done = True
return done
def clear_data(self, clear_type=5): # FCT_USER
clear all data (include: user, attendance report, finger database )
@ -871,28 +986,67 @@ class ZK(object):
raise ZKErrorResponse("can't read chunk %i:[%i]" % (start, size))
if cmd_response.get('code') == const.CMD_DATA: # less than 1024!!!
if self.tcp:
return self.__data_recv[16:] #TODO: check size?
return self.__data_recv[8:]
if cmd_response.get('code') == const.CMD_PREPARE_DATA:
data = []
bytes = self.__get_data_size() #TODO: check with size
#print "prepare data size is", bytes
if self.tcp:
data_recv = self.__sock.recv(bytes + 32)
recieved = len(data_recv)
tcp_length = unpack('HHI', data_recv[:8])[2] #bytes+8
if tcp_length < (bytes + 8):
print "request chunk too big!"
response = unpack('HHHH', data_recv[8:16])[0]
if recieved >= (bytes + 32): #complete
if response == const.CMD_DATA:
resp = data_recv[16:bytes+16] # no ack?
#print "resp len", len(resp)
return resp
print "broken packet!!!"
return '' #broken
else: # incomplete
data.append(data_recv[16:]) # w/o tcp and header
bytes -= recieved-16
while bytes>0: #jic
data_recv = self.__sock.recv(bytes) #ideal limit?
recieved = len(data_recv)
data.append(data_recv) # w/o tcp and header
bytes -= recieved
data_recv = self.__sock.recv(16)
response = unpack('HHHH', data_recv[8:16])[0]
if response == const.CMD_ACK_OK:
return ''.join(data)
#data_recv[bytes+16:].encode('hex') #included CMD_ACK_OK
print "bad response ", data_recv.encode('hex')
#print data
return ''
#else udp
while True: #limitado por respuesta no por tamaño
data_recv = self.__sock.recv(1032)
data_recv = self.__sock.recv(response_size)
response = unpack('HHHH', data_recv[:8])[0]
#print "# %s packet response is: %s" % (pac, response)
if response == const.CMD_DATA:
data.append(data_recv[8:]) #header turncated
bytes -= 1024
bytes -= 1024 #UDP
elif response == const.CMD_ACK_OK:
break #without problem.
#truncado! continuar?
#print "broken!"
print "broken!"
#print "still needs %s" % bytes
return ''.join(data)
def read_with_buffer(self, command, fct=0 ,ext=0):
""" Test read info with buffered command (ZK6: 1503) """
if self.tcp:
MAX_CHUNK = 0xFFc0 #arbitrary, below 0x10008
MAX_CHUNK = 16 * 1024
command_string = pack('<bhii', 1, command, fct, ext)
#print "rwb cs", command_string
@ -902,6 +1056,10 @@ class ZK(object):
cmd_response = self.__send_command(1503, command_string, response_size)
if not cmd_response.get('status'):
raise ZKErrorResponse("RWB Not supported")
if cmd_response['code'] == const.CMD_DATA:
#direct!!! small!!!
size = len(self.__data_recv)-8
return self.__data_recv[8:], size
size = unpack('I', self.__data_recv[9:13])[0] # extra info???
#print "size fill be %i" % size
remain = size % MAX_CHUNK
@ -918,13 +1076,19 @@ class ZK(object):
def get_attendance(self):
""" return attendance record """
if self.records == 0: #lazy
return []
attendances = []
attendance_data, size = self.read_with_buffer(const.CMD_ATTLOG_RRQ)
if size < 4:
print "WRN: no attendance data" # debug
return []
total_size = unpack("I", attendance_data[:4])[0]
record_size = total_size/self.records
#print "record_size is ", record_size
attendance_data = attendance_data[4:] #total size not used
if self.firmware == 6:
if record_size == 8 : #ultra old format
while len(attendance_data) >= 8:
uid, status, timestamp = unpack('HH4s', attendance_data.ljust(8)[:8])
attendance_data = attendance_data[8:]
@ -934,6 +1098,16 @@ class ZK(object):
timestamp = self.__decode_time(timestamp)
attendance = Attendance(uid, user_id, timestamp, status)
elif record_size == 16: # extended
while len(attendance_data) >= 16:
uid, timestamp, status, verified, reserved, workcode = unpack('<I4sBB2sI', attendance_data.ljust(16)[:16])
attendance_data = attendance_data[16:]
if uid == 0: #(on zk it's 16 bytes, extrauid 0, status 255, timestamp 0x0)
continue # probably
user_id = str(uid) #TODO revisar posibles valores cruzar con userdata
timestamp = self.__decode_time(timestamp)
attendance = Attendance(uid, user_id, timestamp, status)
while len(attendance_data) >= 40:
uid, user_id, sparator, timestamp, status, space = unpack('H24sc4sc8s', attendance_data.ljust(40)[:40])
@ -945,64 +1119,7 @@ class ZK(object):
attendance_data = attendance_data[40:]
return attendances
def _get_attendance(self):
return all attendance record
command = const.CMD_ATTLOG_RRQ
command_string = ''
response_size = 1024
cmd_response = self.__send_command(command, command_string, response_size)
attendances = []
if cmd_response.get('status'):
if cmd_response.get('code') == const.CMD_PREPARE_DATA:
bytes = self.__get_data_size()
attendance_data = []
pac = 1
while True: #limitado por respuesta no por tamaño
data_recv = self.__sock.recv(1032)
response = unpack('HHHH', data_recv[:8])[0]
#print "# %s packet response is: %s" % (pac, response)
if response == const.CMD_DATA:
pac += 1
attendance_data.append(data_recv[8:]) #header turncated
bytes -= 1024
elif response == const.CMD_ACK_OK:
break #without problem.
#truncado! continuar?
#print "broken!"
#print "still needs %s" % bytes
if response == const.CMD_ACK_OK:
if attendance_data:
attendance_data = ''.join(attendance_data)
attendance_data = attendance_data[4:]
if self.firmware == 6:
while len(attendance_data) >= 8:
uid, status, timestamp = unpack('HH4s', attendance_data.ljust(8)[:8])
attendance_data = attendance_data[8:]
if uid == 0: #(on zk it's 16 bytes, extrauid 0, status 255, timestamp 0x0)
continue # probably
user_id = str(uid) #TODO revisar posibles valores cruzar con userdata
timestamp = self.__decode_time(timestamp)
attendance = Attendance(uid, user_id, timestamp, status)
while len(attendance_data) >= 40:
uid, user_id, sparator, timestamp, status, space = unpack('H24sc4sc8s', attendance_data.ljust(40)[:40])
user_id = user_id.split('\x00')[0]
timestamp = self.__decode_time(timestamp)
status = int(status.encode("hex"), 16)
attendance = Attendance(uid, user_id, timestamp, status)
attendance_data = attendance_data[40:]
raise ZKErrorResponse("can't _get attendance")
return attendances
def clear_attendance(self):

View File

@ -94,6 +94,8 @@ EF_FPFTR = (1<<8)# be real-time capture fingerprint minutia
EF_ALARM = (1<<9)# Alarm signal
@ -103,3 +105,6 @@ FCT_OPLOG = 4
MACHINE_PREPARE_DATA_1 = 20560 # 0x5050
MACHINE_PREPARE_DATA_2 = 32130 # 0x7282